Additional Resources

The following resources provide more information on the relationship between LGBTQ+ people and the police and broader legal system.

Policing Progress: Findings from a National Survey of LGBTQ+ People’s Experiences with Law Enforcement

A report co-authored between the study team and the ACLU presenting findings from Policing the Rainbow

LGBTQ+ People’s Views of the Police: Friend or Foe?

A brief data visualization exploring how LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ people view the police

Bureau of Justice Statistics Violent Victimization by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Find the most recent statistics on the victimization of LGBTQ+ people in the U.S.

Protected and Served?

2022 report by Lambda Legal and Black & Pink on LGBTQ+ people’s experiences with the criminal legal system

Incarceration Rates and Traits of Sexual Minorities in the United States

Data from the National Inmate Survey revealing the over-representation of LGBTQ+ people in jails and prisons

Policing LGBQ People

Report by the Williams Institute on LGBQ people’s interactions with police

Failing to Protect and Serve: Police Department Policies

Report by the National Center for Transgender Equality discussing police policies related to interactions with transgender people

Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Survey

Report from the National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force on discrimination against transgender and gender diverse people, including within the criminal legal system.

The Structure and Operation of the Transgender Criminal Legal System Nexus in the U.S.: Inequalities, ‘Administrative Violence,’ and ‘Injustice at Every Turn

Scholarly review of existing research on how transgender and gender nonconforming people are subject to criminalization and differential system contact.

Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States

Book illuminating the many ways that queer lives are subject to state control via criminalization, surveillance, policing, and punishment.